edit: I responded to sarcasm with sarcasm. I'm eliminating that, because I want to do better:
Here is the list of places we have Military Bases. There may have been some changes in the last couple of years, but it's probably still pretty accurate:
1. Afghanistan
2. American Samoa
3. Antigua
4. Aruba
5. Australia
6. Austria
7. Bahama Islands
8. Bahrain
9. Belgium
10. Bosnia
11. Bulgaria
12. Canada
13. Colombia
14. Cuba
15. Curaçao
16. Denmark
17. Ecuador
18. El Salvador
19. France
20. Germany
21. Greece
22. Greenland
23. Guam
24. Honduras
25. Hong Kong
26. Iceland
27. Indian Ocean
(Diego Garcia)
28. Indonesia
29. Italy
30. Japan
31. Johnston Atoll
32. Korea
33. Kosovo
34. Kuwait
35. Kwajalein Atoll
36. Kyrgyzstan
37. Luxembourg
38. Netherlands
39. New Zealand
40. Norway
41. Oman
42. Pakistan
43. Peru
44. Portugal
45. Puerto Rico
46. Qatar
47. Saudi Arabia
48. Singapore
49. Spain
50. St. Helena
51. Tajikistan
52. Turkey
53. United Arab
Republic (Egypt)
54. United Kingdom
55. United States (I'll grant that this one is pretty justified)
56. Uzbekistan
57. Venezuela
58. Virgin Islands
59. Wake Island
Source: U.S. Department of Defense, Base Structure Report Fiscal Year 2001; Los Angeles Times, January 6, 2002; New York Times, January 9, 2001
And there are 20 Army bases in Germany alone. That list is just countries, not number of bases.
Now, I'll grant you that it might serve our interests to have some bases around the world. But given that we just mobilized and won a war, without messing with those bases, I don't see the need to have so many, at such a cost.
Unless you want to buy what the people at NewAmericanCentury.org are selling.
Insert Luxomborg jokes here.
Last edited by boatin; 04-29-2003 at 07:34 PM..