God, sorry but you sound so pathetic. Why are you putting this girl up on a pedestal before you even have spoken to her. For all you know she could be a total idiot and completely below you. The problem with a lot of guys is that they look at these "hot girls" and get intimidated and immediately start wondering what to do.. what to say.. how to act... etc. STOP IT! Act as if this girl would be lucky to talk to you. Regardless if this is true or not, think this. Keeping her below you in your mind will make it a lot easier to approach her or even talk to her. Like I said before, don't get all exited over her anyhow. Just because she is good looking doesn't mean she is anything special. I know a ton of phenomenal looking women that I wouldn't give the time of day with because they are not worth my time. Change your mindset, because approaching this situation the way you are about to will get you about the same distance as your friend got with this girl... rejected
