Whenever i heard this term, i always thought (intuitivley, as an educated guess) that it was some condition in which one guy envies another guy, cause he's dick is bigger or maybe he gets the girl or something.... Or in a more metaphorical sense, when a guy feels envious of another guy about his
metaphorical penis extension, in which he may get a faster car, faster computer..or faster, bigger, better or more of something else which is meant to be a symbol or extension of his penis or manhood
Anyway, rambling aside, i found a definition in some dictinary about it, and it's as follows:
The psychoanalytic concept in which a female envies male characteristics or capabilities, especially the possession of a penis.
I thought this was rather laughable and also absurd. I am rather naive and ignorant of the whole psychanalytical
dealy but was wondernig if this sorta stuff still holds up today, in any or much capacity?
Also, aside from the Oedipus (sp?) complex, in general, what other ideas/observations did Freud have?