More untitled work
So many times I have sat here
Trying to write what I feel
But I dont feel anything inside
On my insides I feel like a shadow
My inner light has been extinguished
I am like a trapped bird
Beating its bloodied wings
Upon the broken glass
That is my body
My senses are dulled
To the point where not even
A deep cut is painful
Only the warmth of my blood
Dripping from my fingertips
Soothes my inner pain
My mind is so cloudy
I tend to lose myself in my own head
Xaught in flashbacks that never leave
They play over and over
Never ending
Just begining, anew
I fear pain
Yet I welcome it
With hands unseen
I cover my wounded pride
I am branded with my own selfhatred
My own desire for an end
If I did not have so much to lose
I would give myself over willingly
But in the end I would feel guilt and regret
I would hate myself even more
For hurting those who did not harm me
Yet I would be free of those who seek
To torture my soul
Those who dont understand me
Who wont even try
I hold tightly to what little happiness I have left
Praying my hunters find new prey
They claw at my shields
Depleting my energies
I have almost lost the will to fight
The will to live
The will to be
from the Havens I have fallen. . . to the earth as a mangled form. . . writhing in pain, my wings torn and bloodied. . . I have one purpose, only one goal. . . to find you and love you, for I am your. . . fallen angel