I downloaded the torrent file from a widely popular site that ups hundreds of torrents a day (apps, movies and the like). Whether Universal sent in the file is unknown as I do not know the submission rules for that site. BT does not have a default folder that it stores files to. You simply choose the location for each new torrent as well as the file when you save it. BT has no supernodes or servers, only links to small torrent files that allow you to connect to other people that are seeding the files. This is why webmasters who host these files have it a little easier than people who run Kazaa type services since they have no actual files on their site nor store them on a server.
The violation itself was a simple time stamp that showed at two times once on Jan 4th and again on Jan 5th that the file was residing on my computer. I believe on the 4th I was still downloading the file and thats when they first tracked it to my IP. I am unsure of when I finished the file so the 5th could have been another track that I was using the torrent but more than likely was a check that I had completed the file and it was on my computer. As for sharing with BT if you are downloading then you are sharing. While you are downloading parts of the file from the seeders you are uploading pieces of the files you already have to those that do not.
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." -- Tolstoy