kk, I dont have any advice on your situation, but rather a couple questions. As I understand your post, you were using BT to download a movie to which Universal owns the copyright. Universal became aware of your download and alerted your ISP to same. Your ISP then warned you about such. What I dont understand is HOW Universal discovered what you were downloading. (Note: I dont use BT and have only briefly looked at their interface and network configuration, so if this is something inherant in BT's setup, please excuse my ignorance.)
Were you downloading from a computer that Universal owned (ie is this an "entrapment" type of thing)? Or does Universal have some method of monitoring/hacking transmissions through the BT network? The only thing I can think of is that (assuming BT works in the same general way that Kazaa does) is that Universal joins the BT network as a "supernode" or "server", thereby funneling searches and download requests through their comp, which gives them the opportunity to monitor the traffic. And this again plays into the whole "entrapment" concept, which I admit was/is/always will be a particularly fuzzy and troublesome area of law.
Or, was the situation one such that you had already downloaded the movie and Universal discovered that you had it in a shared folder? Was the "violation" that you had downloaded the movie or that you had it available for sharing?
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
Some wrong been done, he done it first. -fz
I jus' want ta thank you...falettinme...be mice elf...agin...