Originally posted by skysooner
This wasn't a feeling of equality. Women were perceived as being the "weaker" sex (both mentally and physically). Men were "superior" (or thought they were) and that meant that being protectors they took care of women. This also led to a certain callousness towards someone who was perceived as being lower than they were.
How true but one point is left out.. We are still looked at around most of the world as property or worse. I have been very successful for my age and there is not a second everyday that i am not thankful for being born and raised in the USA... A place that does treat women as close to equal as you will find anywhere in the world..
Sure I cant lift as much, I cant hit as hard, and I cant reach the stuff on the top two shelves without a step ladder; But, I'm a better shot with a pistol, I better with a budget and without me All you guys would have to enjoy yourselves is your hand.