Dude, dont worry about the acne on your chest/back. By the time it gets to that she wont care, trust me. From what it sounds like you're not exactly fabio, but dont worry, not all women are so shallow.
Constantly ask questions about her, be sincere, and look her in the eyes when you talk. These are the 3 main things that matter the most.
Your confidence may be lacking, but the great thing about confidence is it can be faked until it shows up. I know it sounds weird, just make sure you walk upright, look people in the eyes when you talk to them, and dont always back down at the slightest encounter. The dangerous part here is fake-confidence often turns into arrogance, and no one likes an arrogant prick. Use your intelligence, stand upright, and relax.
Nothing we can tell you will have any affect until you heed the advice and jump into the deep end. Go for it, the worst that can happen is you dont end up with her phone number, which will happen anyways if you dont try.
You miss 100% of the shots you dont take.