USC lost 1 game - to Cal - fact
LSU lost 1 game - to Florida - fact
LSU had the tougher schedule - fact
USC had the weaker schedule - fact
LSU according to the BCS formula had the better ranking - fact
USC according to the BCS formula had the worse ranking - fact
The media never mentioned LSU to win the nat. champ. - fact
The media pissed all over themselves saying that USC should be the Nat. Champs - fact
The coaches poll and the writers poll is BIASED - which is the reason that everyone wanted to come up with an UNBIASED way to determine the two teams that are most deserving to play for the national championship. The BCS was created due to the exact circumstances that occurred this year - several teams having the same records and no clear way to pick the best two to play for the Nat. Champ.
LSU is the sole national champions, the polls are only meaningful because they are point generators in the BCS formula - the BCS formula is the NCAA accepted method to determine the national champions.
If it is not media bias, please explain why USC is still being mentioned as the co-national champs, when they do not deserve anything other than a solid number 2 or 3?
I have nothing against USC and I have nothing for LSU...but dang, it seems that people go brain dead awfully easy.
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