in fairness to steelerz, the remaining players should all weigh in on gov135's decision to bow out and cede his victory to BonesCPA, with a majority rule deciding the issue. personally, I have no problem with it, but by strict interpretation of general tournament rules, steelerz would normally get a bye next week as a result of his/her competitor failing to show up (so to speak). or alternately, we could leave the decision up to steelerz, as it was done with me and absorbentishe.
as I said, I favor allowing BonesCPA to move on, in keeping with the TFP spirit of good gamesmanship, as well as for the reasons gov135 mentioned.
what say ye, TFP NFLers?
also, I think we need to alter the tiebreaker format or set an emergency 4th tiebreaker, as we've seen with this weekends games that the 3rd one leaves the possibility of a tie, even if the two competitors chose different teams. the need for another breaker will become readily apparent as the #of teams dwindles. consider the super bowl, where there will be only two teams left. in that situation there will only be three possible outcomes for the two players that are left.
1-1 tie, go to breakers, which may or may not resolve the decision
1-0 > we have a winner
0-0 tie, go to breakers, which may or may not resolve the decision
as you can see, in 2/3 of the possible outcomes, the tiebreakers WILL come into play. however, logic suggests that most players will pick the same team to win as they will the highest scorer, which means there is a high likelihood that the #2 & 3 breakers will be irrelevant, should they come into play.
there are several ways to go:
1. reverse the order of the tiebreakers: 1st=lowest (or highest) scoring team. 2nd=highest (or lowest) scoring team. 3rd=total points scored. I think this would be likely to minimize the chances of a tie after all three breakers have been checked.
2. select a 4th breaker, such as total number of TDs scored, or total # of FGs, or total interceptions or some such.
3. eliminate one of the existing breakers and replace it with another, then change the order.
I favor option 3 with the order going like this:
1= highest scoring team
2= total # of FGs scored by all teams
3= total points scored by all teams
as you can see, with each progressive breaker, the number of possible correct outcomes increases, which is as it should be, so that there is a progressively smaller and smaller chance of two players matching. in the case of the SB, if player A & player B both chose the correct winner, they will tie, and TB1 will be irrelevant. TB2 will have an outcome most likely between 0 and 6 (or even as high as 10 - though I really doubt either team will make more than 3 FGs). if necessary, TB3 could have an outcome anywhere from 2 to 100, though anything over 60 will HIGHLY unlikely.
finally, worst case scenario we still have a tie, then I suggest a virtual coin toss, with the higher seeded player making the call and the "tossing" to be done Halx or one of the other moderators.
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
Some wrong been done, he done it first. -fz
I jus' want ta thank mice elf...agin...
Last edited by Sion; 01-04-2004 at 07:20 PM..