240Babe, I have been where you are. You sound like the perfect girlfriend, surprising him with gifts, doing cute things that show you care, etc... So it's definitely NOT you. Unfortunately it sounds like he's so used to your good nature that he's taken it for granted. I say talk to him, that's a good start. But please... PLEASE... don't think marrying him is going to snap him back into reality. I made that mistake and I wouldn't want to see someone else make it. I thought foolishly that he would see me in a new light after I was made his wife but that simply doesn't happen. Sure, men can change... give him a chance to. But here's a pearl of wisdom my mom gave to me... "marry him for the man he is today, not the man he might be someday".
Long story short... be harder on him and less on yourself, honey.
Best of luck.