From 1997-2002 I vocally considered myself straightedge. It was easier to tell that to the obnoxious kids who prodded into the reasons behind my abstinence from drinking instead of delving into the secrets of my family's alcoholic past, which I felt was highly embarrassing.
Throughout late middle school and early high school, I wanted to fit in like most kids do. Because my parents had strict rules against allowing me to go to parties where alcohol was being served, I ended up going to a lot of punk rock and ska shows. Labeling myself straightedge helped me to meet kids who shared common interests. It's a little offensive that some consider sXe a mental disorder or retarded, when it is definately a conscious choice. We learned to have fun being creative instead of getting drunk or stoned.
Being straightedge to my friends and I meant abstaining from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, and promiscious sex. Sex in a loving, committed relationship was considered natural and not a risky behavior. Straightedge philosophy never related to religious beliefs.
The straightedge people I've met and hung out with were never "hate edge" or violent. Although there may be circles that are, I think bme sensationalized that aspect. Straightedge to me is just a healthier way of growing up. Being straightedge allowed me to focus on getting a good education instead of experimenting with things that I would regret later.
make it electric.