I know there are some Gentoo people out there; hope to get some feedback from you.
I am currently running Fedora Core 1, but am thinking (well, less thinking; more going to) of going to Gentoo. I think I want to do a stage 1 installation. I chose stage 1 because I think I could learn the most out of it. I'd consider myself an intermediate-advanced linux user. Not expert or pro, yet
Anyways, going through the docs they say a Gentoo stage 1 install could take a while. I am just wondering how long "a while" is, in people's experience. I understand that it will be faster/slower depending on machine being used and options given to compiler, but right now I think "a while" can mean a week, 24 hours, a month, anything. I have no reasonable limits. Just wondering what people's experience was.
Also, I'll be going by the installation manual on the site for all of this. Any other advice/experiences you wish to share that could help?
(p.s. I'll be compiling/installing on a P4 2.53 w/ 512 meg ram).