eMule's good, but in a different way. Downloading in eMule is very slow (so you can't just expect to dl whatever you want in 10min, you have to leave your computer on overnight). And unlike Kazaa, eMule shares the files that you are currently downloading. eMule (generally) has a different type of files than those on Kazaa: fewer fakes, fewer mp3s (b/c it has a lot of entire albums in rar form), better quality.
If you just want something similar to Kazaa, get Blubster. It's only mp3s (maybe some other formats too). There's a clean version of it somewhere online.
btw Kazaa Lite still exists. The people that created it are still developing it. They're working on a lite version of the latest Kazaa. Last I heard, it was still beta.
Last edited by bob32; 01-03-2004 at 11:52 AM..