You ought to be able to use MMC or SD in that camera.
Theres a few el cheapo brands of MMC/SDs that are incompatible with some cameras, but rare,.
i'll add viking and lexar to sailors list.
I was looking for an MMC card for my ngage , they sold me an SD card at best buy, swearing it's compatible, it didn't even fit

i just went outside, tried and returned it. SD cards are a bit thicker, so if the slot is just over credit card thin about 1.4mm iirc , its probably better to go with MMC's
usually i buy from expansys
This might be an expensive card for your tastes but its about the biggest around, you'll probably rarely fill it
Strangely the camera manufacturer lists the largest useable size SD/MMC card as 'unknown' but has tested upto 128MBs
You'll also be able to use it as a portable drive !