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Old 01-01-2004, 11:28 AM   #22 (permalink)
Originally posted by Strange Famous
Lets talk about the facts then.

Did Moore "stage" America's gun problem? Did he invent that?]

Nope but why did he not interview anyone with creditiantials to speak on the issues? Why did he not go to the areas with the most shootings and talk to people there? Why did he only go to safe white towns and make them look foolish? Washington DC has the highest gun murder rate in America, did Moore go there? Did he speak of the strict gun control laws in DC and how they didnt work? Nope, he did nothing to merit journalistic investigation.

Did Moore "stage" the gross insensitivity of the NRA holding a gun rally after a high school massacre?]
Yes he did stage that, actually that is one of his biggest lies. He cut and edited Heston's speach. You obviously dont read anything posted that you disagree with. In fact I posted this about three times, and this is the lie that Moore is most often called on. The most blatant, lie.

Did Moore "make up" the fact that guns are widely available to American kids?
Widley available? Please define that? You, like Moore, live in a black and white world, and you fail to realsie that the Kids that do manage to get guns rarely get legal guns. In fact in all of the Moore's pet shootings, the guns were obtained by illegal means, and the parents were either drug offenders, or dangereoulsy unaware of their child's psyhological out look.
The Colombine shooters got their guns illegally from a community member, who was, get this AN ANTI GUN ACTIVIST? LOL Why that fact was not in Moore's "unbiased" film is suspect.
The child that shot that girl in BFC was living in a crack home, and used an illegal gun that he took from his crack using parent to shoot up a fellow student. Then Moore goes on to blame DIck Clark for giving the crack head a job? Clearly that is the reason the youngster killed. Pardon me while i laugh my ass off.
Please Strange Famous, explain to me why crime in America is going down five years in a row, while in England it is skyrocketing? I mean you guys have strict gun laws and guns have been popping up all over the place.
Please tell me the stats on the wide access American kids have to guns please.

And then go and read the actual links that show that Moore is a liar, or do you just like to look stupid?
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