I'm with Jim. I remember when I was younger, I had just a bad run of really tragic shit happen to and around me... And that on top of being in my teens at the time... well you know how teenagers can get when the slightest thing goes wrong
Anyway, I remember always trying to remind myself that there are always people who are so much worse off than you, and they're mature and strong enough to work through it... so get the fuck over yourself and live your damn life. Or, you can use an even angrier approach and say "Fuck you life, you aren't gonna get the best of ME, bitch!!!" and then proceed to have a good time instead of giving in. I remember some quote that went like "Depression is anger without enthusiasm"... I guess maybe angry people don't give up eh?
Or, to quote a Pearl Jam lyric...
"No matter how cold the winter... there's a spring-time ahead."