Not currently (though I am running Adventure! currently, which is sort of a superhero game. Pulp action heroes were the forebears of superheroes). Played/ran a lot of SH games in the past though.
Champions/HERO System (lots)
GURPS Supers (not much, too deadly)
V&V (not much)
Heroes Unlimited (Palladium, quite a bit)
TWERPS Supers (admit, you have too)
DC Heroes
Aberrant (minimally)
Marvel Super Heores (the old one, so very much and so very often)
I've read a bit into Silver Age Sentinels, but didn't really dig it. There's another d20 offering out right now that is supposed to be extremely good, can't recall the name though. Something like Mutants & Masterminds, though that might be the name of a supplement for it.
I love the genre, but find that I don't run it well anymore. I stopped reading comics about a decade ago out of irritation at the industry, and steadily lost touch with the feel for the superhero genre. It helps that my group isn't really into that style of game too. I've a couple of players that enjoy it, but aren't any good at it, a couple that hate it passionately, and one that likes it and can actually play it.