Just remember one thing man, DIETS DO NOT WORK.
I drink quite heavily, and probably also eat too much... the main problem I have is I eat a lot of junk food like pre-made sandwiches and stuff, because I sometimes can't be bothered to cook for myself. I also have been tending to eat lunch 1 (@ 10 AM when the sandwich lady comes to the office) and then lunch 2 (on my lunch break) recently. i also tend to eat my main meal at 7 in the evening or so, I dont get a chance to eat anything but sandwiches or snacks at work.
You explained your problem, FIX IT!
Stop drinking so much. Drink low carb beer if you HAVE to.
DO NOT, DO NOT eat junk food! You dont have to cook, if you want just make a nice sandwich with some deli meat. Tuna is your best friend as well, almost no carbs and fat and an ASSLOAD of protein.
Multiple meals are really good for you, actually. As long as they are healthy snacks, bring some carrots and celery in for work.
Lunch 1- Eat some carrots and Celery. Put a lil bit of peanut butter on the celery, it wont kill you.

Lunch 2- Have a nice sandwich, like roast beef, chicken, turkey, any kind of deli meat or tuna.
Eating at 7 is good, just make sure it's healthy.
If you want to lose weight, YOU have to get motivated first, DO NOT QUIT.
Another thing, get to the gym as often as possible, it increases self confidence and produces more testosterone.

Get a personal trainer if you must, they are your best friends! They will not let you give up.
Even if you find it boring, it will be worth it in the end, because if you dont, you'll still be 300 lbs+ and no closer to your goal.