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Old 12-28-2003, 01:01 PM   #1 (permalink)
follower of the child's crusade?
Diet help!!!

Ok, This being the time of New Years Resolutions and so on, I have decided I really need to lose weight.

I am 5 9, and I used to weigh about 240 (and probably should weigh about 190-210), until about 3 years ago I started to pile on extra weight. In the last 2 years I have been on at least 10 diets, some for only a week or two, sometimes I've lost 30 or so lbs, but I eventually lose momentum and put the weight back on.

I drink quite heavily, and probably also eat too much... the main problem I have is I eat a lot of junk food like pre-made sandwiches and stuff, because I sometimes can't be bothered to cook for myself. I also have been tending to eat lunch 1 (@ 10 AM when the sandwich lady comes to the office) and then lunch 2 (on my lunch break) recently. i also tend to eat my main meal at 7 in the evening or so, I dont get a chance to eat anything but sandwiches or snacks at work.

I used to go to the gym, but I cant keep any interest in it, I also used to play soccer quite a lot, but I have not played for 2 years....

Basically, what can I do to make sure I can stick to my diet and keep going? And how fast should I look to lose weight?

What has kind of shocked me is that I weighed myself today, and for the first time in my life I am over 300 lbs, which I guess seems to me like kind of a milestone (in a bad way), so it isnt just like "Well, I could drop a few lbs I guess", but I do feel I have a real weight problem, at my height, being this size.

It also effects my confidence in a lot of area's I guess (with girls and so on especially). Can anyone give me any advice of how I can really keep it going this time? I have in the past just counted calories and tried to aim for 1200 - 1500 a day, but like I said, sooner or later I get bored and slip into bad habits, especially drinking a lot (usually drinking at home, maybe 6/8 cans some weeknights, 12 or more cans most Friday and Saturday nights, or going to the pub for 8 pints or so) and eating sandwiches and convenience foods.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
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The Gospel of Thomas
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Old 12-28-2003, 08:12 PM   #2 (permalink)
SVT01Cobra's Avatar
Location: Somewhere, Missouri
Just remember one thing man, DIETS DO NOT WORK.

I drink quite heavily, and probably also eat too much... the main problem I have is I eat a lot of junk food like pre-made sandwiches and stuff, because I sometimes can't be bothered to cook for myself. I also have been tending to eat lunch 1 (@ 10 AM when the sandwich lady comes to the office) and then lunch 2 (on my lunch break) recently. i also tend to eat my main meal at 7 in the evening or so, I dont get a chance to eat anything but sandwiches or snacks at work.
You explained your problem, FIX IT!

Stop drinking so much. Drink low carb beer if you HAVE to.
DO NOT, DO NOT eat junk food! You dont have to cook, if you want just make a nice sandwich with some deli meat. Tuna is your best friend as well, almost no carbs and fat and an ASSLOAD of protein.
Multiple meals are really good for you, actually. As long as they are healthy snacks, bring some carrots and celery in for work.
Lunch 1- Eat some carrots and Celery. Put a lil bit of peanut butter on the celery, it wont kill you.
Lunch 2- Have a nice sandwich, like roast beef, chicken, turkey, any kind of deli meat or tuna.
Eating at 7 is good, just make sure it's healthy.

If you want to lose weight, YOU have to get motivated first, DO NOT QUIT.

Another thing, get to the gym as often as possible, it increases self confidence and produces more testosterone.
Get a personal trainer if you must, they are your best friends! They will not let you give up.

Even if you find it boring, it will be worth it in the end, because if you dont, you'll still be 300 lbs+ and no closer to your goal.
SVT01Cobra is offline  
Old 12-30-2003, 01:09 PM   #3 (permalink)
follower of the child's crusade?
I always thought that high carb food like pasta, rice, potato's and so on was the best thing to eat to lose weight, and it was fatty and sweet things that have the most calories?

Originally posted by SVT01Cobra
Just remember one thing man, DIETS DO NOT WORK.

You explained your problem, FIX IT!

Stop drinking so much. Drink low carb beer if you HAVE to.
DO NOT, DO NOT eat junk food! You dont have to cook, if you want just make a nice sandwich with some deli meat. Tuna is your best friend as well, almost no carbs and fat and an ASSLOAD of protein.
Multiple meals are really good for you, actually. As long as they are healthy snacks, bring some carrots and celery in for work.
Lunch 1- Eat some carrots and Celery. Put a lil bit of peanut butter on the celery, it wont kill you.
Lunch 2- Have a nice sandwich, like roast beef, chicken, turkey, any kind of deli meat or tuna.
Eating at 7 is good, just make sure it's healthy.

If you want to lose weight, YOU have to get motivated first, DO NOT QUIT.

Another thing, get to the gym as often as possible, it increases self confidence and produces more testosterone.
Get a personal trainer if you must, they are your best friends! They will not let you give up.

Even if you find it boring, it will be worth it in the end, because if you dont, you'll still be 300 lbs+ and no closer to your goal.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
Strange Famous is offline  
Old 12-30-2003, 01:43 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Very good advice SVT01Cobra .

I always thought that high carb food like pasta, rice, potato's and so on was the best thing to eat to lose weight
On the contrary, these are things you should be avoiding. You might have gotten these confused with Brown Rice and Yams maybe? If you are serious about losing the weight, do some searching in this forum and you will find everything you need to know. The information that you are asking for is the same questions asked over and over, so like I said, the answers are in here. Oh, i'll answer one of your questions for you. You can expect to lose an average of 1 to 2 lbs a week of fat in optimal conditions.

*edit* Please don't think I am being harsh or anything, its just that you already KNOW what your problems are, you decribed them in your post. Only YOU will be able to stay motivated. Do you want to live past your 30s? Do you want to be looked at by women who stare at your body (and like it)? Do you want to not get winded from walking up a set of stairs? I could go on and on about the things that should keep you motivated, but in the long run, it all falls on your shoulders and how much YOU want it. You remind me of a post I posted a while back about motivation. Read it and see how much you resemble "Bob" in the story right now. Don't be him Strange Famous! Here is the post: http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthr...threadid=30639

Good luck to you, and when you decide to start eating right and getting exercise we are here to help

Last edited by Plan9Senior; 12-30-2003 at 01:54 PM..
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Old 12-30-2003, 02:34 PM   #5 (permalink)
follower of the child's crusade?
OK, thanks, I have looked around this forum a little, and some of the advice is conflicting, but at the end of the day, as everyone knows, its not rocket science. I am too fat because I eat and drink too much and don't exercise enough, and I put on weight because I consume more calories than I use.

I guess motivation has always been the hardest thing for me, I have started so many diets and fitness plans, writing down everything I eat and counting calories, and it just seems like sooner or later I always end getting really down, drinking and eating junk food.

I know being my size probably will shorten my life if I stay this way, and that is pretty scary to be honest; I'd love to feel fitter and better about myself, and be able to buy clothes that are normal sizes from regular stores - compared to the pleasure you get from eating fatty food or sitting around getting drunk on my own, the motivations to lose weight should be overwhelming...

I guess it can be a vicious circle, that my weight depresses me, and being depressed makes me want to drink (and eating junk food often comes from being drunk so often) ... but not breaking it just means I'll be here two years later saying the same things, and a heart attack candidate by the time I'm 30....

I'm really determined to make a better go this time, I dont know if I have the commitment or the will to really want a perfect body or look like a model or anything, I just would like to be a healthy weight, not feel that I look fat and ugly, and be fit.

I guess New Years Eve tomorrow isnt a great time to be trying to quit drinking, but I hope long term I can do better this time.

Basically, my plan at the moment is just to start counting calories again, and try to eat under 1500 and more than 1000 every day if I can (this has always worked for me for as long as I've stuck to it in the past), I'm joing up a gym, and I'm also going to start playing soccer (just 5 a side again) and squash with a couple of people at work... I guess I need to take the exercise easy at the start and just build up. I am not fit obviously, but I am probably fitter than most people my size would be, but I know I need to build into it slowly. I dont really have that much else that I do other than work and go online and go to the pub, so I dont really have a problem time wise getting exercise.

I guess, like you said, the trick is to keep in mind the goals and the point of why I am doing it.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
Strange Famous is offline  
Old 12-30-2003, 05:15 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Ok, your post showed me you truly want to lose this weight. I am going to be awefully busy over the next few days, but I want to help you. Please post on here your current daily diet. If you can do it for 3 days, that would be great. Eat normally and log everything you eat (including sauces and toppings on your foods). Post it here and I will get a better idea on where to start you out. By the way, scratch the idea of eating 1500 calories a day lol. You will throw your body into starvation mode with that. No WONDER you were failing before .

I dont know if I have the commitment or the will to really want a perfect body or look like a model or anything
Fuck that. You DO have what it takes to have a great body, you just need to push yourself. If you lived by me, I would hold you to it and work out with ya each day but you live in England so I am going to have to count on you to push yourself. Anyhow, have fun for the next few days. Enjoy them. Start thinking about how it is going to feel to look completely different this time next year. Log all of your meals for 3 days and post it here, or shoot me a PM if you feel uncomfortable sharing that info on the boards (i rather people see it so they can learn too). Anyhow, I will catch you in a few days and am going to help you change your life along with your help. You are NOT "Bob" .

Happy Holidays.
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Old 12-30-2003, 08:10 PM   #7 (permalink)
SVT01Cobra's Avatar
Location: Somewhere, Missouri
I'm glad I could be of some help.

I've been helping my sister lose weight, and she's been doing really well. We exercise every day at the gym, and we eat healthy.

I know it can be hard at times, but as Plan9 said, it sounds like you really want to lose weight. Keep in mind, it's harder to lose weight by yourself. We will be here to help if you are struggling or just dont know what to do.

Also, if you don't like exercising alone, get a personal trainer. They will motivate you and keep you going. Most trainers I know don't do it for the money, they do it for the experience of working with someone for a year or more, watching the person change, becoming more confident, and becoming an overall happier person. Give it a shot, see how it works out.

Best of luck to you my friend.
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Old 12-30-2003, 09:58 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: Meeshagain
If it helps you, don't give up EVERYTHING bad for you to start out. However, DO cut out obvious bad stuff.

Stop drinking pop, stop eating junk food and fast food. Those three things will drop you some pounds right there.
emphant is offline  
Old 01-01-2004, 07:35 AM   #9 (permalink)
follower of the child's crusade?
I have been keeping a record of what I have been eating since I made my early new years resolution, this is just cut and pasted from Excel, and the calories are just my best guess...

Date 29/12/03
Breakfast Rice Crispies & Skimmed Milk (200 Cals)
Lunch Ready Made Salad (500 Cals)
Dinner Haddock Fillet (260 cal), 1 Potato (200), 1 carrot (60), Parsley Sauce (120) (640 Cals)
Others Diet Cola 20
Total 1360

Breakfast Rice Crispies & Skimmed Milk 200
Lunch Minestrone Cup-a-soup (100), satsuma (60) (160 Cals)
Dinner Brown Rice (500), Curry Sauce (150), Mushroom (250), Tuna (130) (1030 Cals)
Others Diet Cola 20 Cals
Total 1410

Breakfast Rice Crispies & Skimmed Milk 200
Lunch 2 Bacon, 3 Sausages, Beans, 2 Eggs, Chips (900 Cals)
Dinner 2 Chops in sauce, Potato, Sprouts, Peas, Carrot (750 Cals)
Others 7 Pints Stella (Beer) (1400 Cals)
Total 3250


Breakfast 2 Weetabix, semi skimmed milk (250 Cals)
Lunch Brown Rice (500), Savoury Soya Mince (300) (800 Cals)
Dinner havent had that yet!!
Others Diet Cola (20 Cals)
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
Strange Famous is offline  
Old 01-19-2004, 12:23 PM   #10 (permalink)
follower of the child's crusade?
Well, I've lost my first stone, 14 lbs... so good going but lots more to go!
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
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Old 01-19-2004, 03:17 PM   #11 (permalink)
forseti-6's Avatar
Location: New York City

If you have trouble motivating yourself, there are a few things you can do. Here are a few suggestions:

#1 Find a friend to motivate each other. You're not going to want to let each other down, and it'll actually be fun.

#2 Try setting realistic goals. Don't say your goal is to be 175 with a 6-pack. Ok that can be your final goal, but try to keep them short term. Make goals such as "Lose 4 pounds by *date*"

#3 I see you are keeping track of what you are eating, that's good. You'll be less inclined to eat crazy that way.

#4 If you're hungry EAT! Starving yourself isn't going to do you any good. You're gonna hate feeling hungry and you're going want to endulge. However, when you are hungry eat just a little bit (an apple, handful of nuts etc.) you're going to feel a lot better.

#5 Looks like you're already doing it.... Track your progress. This I find is one of the biggest motivating factors. When you can see that you are making progress and closing in on your final goal, you're going to want it more and more.

Hope that helps.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss
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