Sparhawk said: [color=lime green]
"To sum up: just two more flawed editorials from Liquor Dealer"[/color]
The sum total of every word I said: [color=lime green]
"I think Dean is flip-flopping more than a fish on the pier. And he's the darling of the bash Bush crowd!!!
And it gets better!" [/color]
Which of the two ( "editorials") did you think most flawed?
This one?
"I think Dean is flip-flopping more than a fish on the pier. And he's the darling of the bash Bush crowd!!!
Or perhaps was it this one?
"And it gets better!"
I think perhaps the statement most flawed is "And it gets better!"
You, on the otherhand are entitled to your opinion! Perhaps "I think Dean is flip-flopping more than a fish on the pier. And he's the darling of the bash Bush crowd!!! is more flawed but, on the otherhand "And it gets better!" is gettin' right on out there where flaws are more likely to happen!
Good evening, Gentlemen.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!