Let's pick through these editorials and find what Dean actually said, shall we?
Originally said by Howard Dean
"Christ was someone who sought out people who were disenfranchised, people who were left behind," Dean told the Boston Globe in Christmas Day editions. "He fought against self-righteousness of people who had everything ... He was a person who set an extraordinary example that has lasted 2,000 years, which is pretty inspiring when you think about it."
Sounds inspirational to me-where does the secular/non-religious bias factor in here?
Originally said by Howard Dean
"I'm tired of coming to the south and fighting elections on guns, God and gays. We're going to fight this election on our turf, which is going to be jobs, education and health care," he told a South Carolina rally in early December.
jobs, education and health care - 3 things the South historically struggles with and Dean wants to change for the better - again, I don't see the bias, just political strategizing.
Originally said by Howard Dean
Asked whether bin Laden should be tried in the United States and put to death, Dean told The Concord Monitor, "I still have this old-fashioned notion that even with people like Usama, who is very likely to be found guilty, we should do our best not to, in positions of executive power, not to prejudge jury trials."
Should "Innocent Until Proven Guilty" not apply to this man? What happened to the Republicans cherishing the Rule of Law?
Originally said by Howard Dean
In an interview with the New Hampshire newspaper for Friday editions, Dean added: "I'm sure that is the correct sentiment of most Americans, but I do think if you're running for president, or if you are president, it's best to say that the full range of penalties should be available. But it's not so great to prejudge the judicial system."
I'll repeat that: "the full range of penalties should be available."
Originally said by Howard Dean
Calling Iraq "probably the best place" for Saddam Hussein to be tried, Dean said he is willing "to be flexible about that because I don't think it's essential to the security interests of the United States."
Nothing objectionable here...
Originally said by Howard Dean
Asked how he would persuade people who were not opposed to the war to vote for him instead of President Bush (search), Dean responded, "By going after him on terrorism, where he's really weak."
His opinion, which he will be campaigning on vigorously.
To sum up: just two more flawed editorials from Liquor Dealer.