is there any real proof that Usama Bin Laden organised the WTC attacks?
I have never seen any.
All I have seen evidence of is that Bin Laden is a religious bigot, a loudmouth, and a trouble maker.
Has anyone shown that he actually physically organised these attacks?
I think it is less frightening for people to blame Bin Laden, the idea of the mad criminal mastermind with his terrorist army is far less scarey than the probable truth: which is that all it takes to kill so many innocents, even in th emost powerful country in the world, is a ragged band of 20 people who are ready to die to damage another power, and who are armed with steak knives and a copy of Microsoft Flight Simulator.
The weapons and means of destruction are so great, and so numerous, no country or people can hope to defend itself, the bomber will always get through, and if history teaches you nothing else - vengance is never sated.