That happened to me....
Went to Virginia to visit my college boyfriend (I had moved back home to NY, doing the long distance thing...) and the first night everything was fine. A bit sore but no big deal... 2nd night we go for it and there was no way in hell. It hurt, a lot. Then I got a wicked horrible cold and there was nothing going on for the rest of my trip.
I think it was just because it had been awhile since I had sex. And we started before I was ready, too quickly and all of that.
Another time after a long layoff I was a bit sore, but luckly the guy I was with knew what the hell he was doing and took it slow and everything. No problems after that.
My advice... make sure you're ready before you start having sex. Lots of foreplay and maybe even some lube. Since you don't see him very often, take some time to get used to things again. Hopefully next time things go better for you!
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.