She sounds way too flakey to me. Who has time for their friends but absolutely none in two weeks for their partner? Working two jobs I can understand, she can't be criticized for that at all, but moving in with an abusive ex-partner isn't something I'd value in a partner.
I'm sure she's fantastic when you're with her, especially at the start of your relationship, but it sounds like she's got some old habits or old routines she just can't get out of.
Oh, and as for leaving a note at her apartmnent, I'd advise against it. If she gets angry when you simply ask her what she's been up to or how her week has been, I'm sure going to her apartment when she's not there would make her explode!
If you're going to do anything at all I'd say write an e-mail (or a letter) and mail it to her. Say everything you want to say in it, but don't make it an attack. She might reject it, and if she does then you know for sure. But if she accepts it and wants to talk further, then you can try from there.