ok, so you didnt like it because of he voilence, no need to shitcan the movie. All of miike's movies are like this, it's a genre just like our slasher movies here.. it's not "more sick" because it's japanese.. I hate when people start in on this "them japs are crazy" kinf of talk. Thats very ignorant in my opinion. Anywho.. Ultimately.. you should know what you are getting into before you see any foreign movie, becasue..
1) it's foreign and you proally dont speak the language.
2) It's from another culture so cut the movie some slack.
2) If you are seeing it on DVD or VHS then it's proally a few years old and the reviews for anything are already online.
Last edited by Ganguro; 12-25-2003 at 11:44 PM..