Will Paybacks Be Hell?
Now that this thing is drawing to a close there is change in the air. Some nations are going to be rewarded for their actions in the recent past while others are about to get bitch slapped. Saudi Arabia has accomplished what the Arab world has been demanding. They will soon have no US militray presence. Why? because we no longer need to have a presence there. The threat no longer exists. Qatar is the apparent relocation point of choice. How much money is US militray presence worth? Wait a short time and you'll find out what the value of having a large military outpost really is to some of these countries. Is Germany getting ready to squeal like a stuck pig? Is Turkey getting ready to join them? The US military is getting ready to make a major realignment of assets. Bases all over Europe are getting ready to be relocated. Old Europe, except for probably the one airbase in Germany, is probably getting ready to watch the billions of dollars it takes to maintain our foreign military bases move to a new locale. While some of you are saying that they are saying goodbye and good riddance you are going to be surprised at the screams that accompany the closing of these bases. We hear only the isolated incidents of discontent when someone in the military gets sideways with civilian law enforcement on Guam or somewhere - They do not squeal nearly as loud as they would if the US up and said fine! We'll get out! How much is US presence worth. Let me give you a for instance - A carrier battlegroup pulls into Hong Kong, Singapore, Brisbane, any port in the world for a weekend. How much money comes down that gangplank? A liberty call for a carrier battle group leaves millions and millions of dollars in the economy of where ever! It does this with a 24 or 48 hour stop. What does a major permanent base leave in a countries economy in a years time? I have no idea but if you'll give it a month, I'll bet you will be able to find figures from all over the world being spouted - when it is shut off. Old Europe has chosen to do what they did for all sorts of reasons, most probably devious and to protect their own ass. They will miss us when we are gone.
They will miss us even more when they start trying to build up there own military to provide the protection they enjoyed with the US being there.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!