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Old 12-23-2003, 10:57 AM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Florida

"Imagine a world where people give of themselves simply because they want to. Not out of a sense of debt. Or because they want something in return. No ulterior motives. No guilt feelings. Just a desire to give for the sake of giving. Now instead of imagining this kind of world, do your part in making it happen. Make a charitable donation. Volunteer your time to improve your community. Give back to the world that gives so much to you. And if it happens to make you feel good, that's all right. Feeling good is the one ulterior motive that's acceptable." -Bill Daniels
This quote is stupid. Altruism by definition is selfless giving. Fulfilling your "desire to give for the sake of giving" and giving because it makes you feel good are *selfish* acts!

As an example appropriate to the season, I buy Christmas gifts for two reasons: because I like to make my friends/family happy, or because I feel obligated (family member, someone I wouldn't normally buy for but I know they bought me something, etc.). So basically I'm either giving them to people in order to make ME feel good by making them happy, or to avoid feeling bad about failing to meet an obligation.
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