two things i'll tell ya.
number one, suck it up and sleep in a new/unfamiliar bed one night in your life. yes, you have quircks, but we all do. don't get too self-concious about it. i snore like a motherfucker but i'll sleep anywhere someone lays down a pillow and a blanket. they will be understanding if you start shouting random slogans in your sleep.
number two, no matter how much you feel like it, this isn't some kind of competition. you aren't being invited to the folks' house just so they can pass judgement between you and the flavour of the quarter. the simple fact that you've been a steady something in one of their daughter's life while the other one is bringing home a new face every 4 months speaks for itself. don't feel like you hafta outdo this schmuck, you already have for the simple fact that you've been in the picture long before he ever came around and will most likely still be there long after he's drifted off.
don't be so nervous, just go, smile, laugh at their stupid jokes, and try not to fall asleep during church.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine
Last edited by phredgreen; 12-23-2003 at 10:41 AM..