Thanks guys, good to hear solid answers, especially those from past experiences.
HockeyGuy: you mentioned spending time away from them and their influences. This is what being in London did for me for the first girl, and when I traveled alone in spain for a week after my semester, I had time to be without B and was empty :/ I know people shouldn't rely on eachother to be happy, but it was just a ton of emotion all at once and my first time being away from her for a bit. I spent the night with A two night's ago for the first time in months and had an interesting time. B just stopped by for the first time since our trip ended. We were a little weird because we were seeing eachother for the first time outside of our group setting. End the end I think she is a great girl. That, and the fact that the main reason I would feel bad about "chosing" her right now is only me seeing my A girl being hurt, not feeling bad because I was going to need her or miss her tons....
Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding and valuing of life. A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet Earth. Like a priceless jewel buried in dark layers of soil and stone, Earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home And experience of this place to visit and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself as a gamemaster...
--Acknowledge your weaknesses--
Last edited by -Ever-; 03-10-2004 at 08:16 PM..