Originally posted by SLM3
I wonder how many gays (and heteros) take offense to you equating homosexuality with "fucking animals". Perhaps that was not your intent but that's the way I read it.
Seretogis hit it for me, no need to respond here.
So, Catholicism preaches that homosexuality itself isn't bad but the act is? Is it really fair to make a distinction? Saying one thing is ok but the act used in order to show it is not? Maybe it's my fault, using concepts such as fairness in a discussion on religion.
Follow the line of reasoning if you please to enlighten yourself on this subject, realize these truths of the catholic religion.
1) Homosexuality is genetic, it can't be helped.
2) the act of sodomy is equated to sex. since the sanctity of marriage is a defined as a loving bond between a man and woman, the only place where any sex is not sinful (remember all sex outside of marriage is a sin, gay or straight alike).
3) Since homosexual unions are not recognized as an acceptable convenant between man and his god, said homosexual sex would be sinful <<<< thats what married people do, make babies remember dating is for mating