Originally posted by Sparhawk
I don't know about the rest of you, but I've certainly been won over by the "people are lazy pieces of shit," and "are lazy as fuck and would rather smoke a joint or drink some beer than go do some damn work or learn something" argument.
That wasn't the point. The point is that in America we have recourses to get educated and make cash... Is there any way possible that Iraqi's could educate themselves or make a great living under Saddam. Obviously, no. Since people in America do have the resources to get educated and make cash, why doesn't it happen? People are lazy. Period. People don't want to have to work. Do you have a better explanation? Motivation has absolutely nothing to do with human rights or the government. A quick question, would you rather smoke a joint/drink beer or go do some work.... I'd much rather work.
Originally posted by Kadath
sixate, it seems your conclusions are supported by your coworkers, who I've sometimes heard you complain about. It seems that you've been unfortunate enough to become surrounded by people who are lazy. Not to jack, but why do you stay there? If it chaps your ass so much to work with lazy pieces of shit, why do you get off said chapped ass and go find a job with harder working people?
Because I need to get a few thing accomplished, and after I do I will get a new job. I am where I am because of stupid choices that I made in the past. I would go into more detail, but I won't bore you with that. I'm making sure that I get some things straightened out then I will move forward, but I won't be a lazy fuck who blames the government or the "man" for my bad choices. Unlike most people, I take full responsibility for my mistakes, and I absolutely will not make the same mistakes again. So for now I have to deal with what I have, and my hard work will pay off. It's just gonna take some time. BTW, I hear stories of the coworkers of my friends and family and the simple fact is most people have no clue how to do their jobs correctly, and they don't care to learn how either... So I don't think my opinion of coworkers will change even after I do move forward and get another job.