Originally posted by yabobo
Condom everytime???????
Don't you rub the pussy just a little bit with your dick before you
slide that condom on?
Precum on your penis head contains sperm which may lead to prego status, sorry just the facts.
Condoms everytime is ideal but nearly impossible. I recomend
a spermacide foam to go with the condom.
The curse for her is your blessing! Nothing sweeter than seeing the red tide of love every month on time!
I've got three kidds now and three grandchildren I'm broke,
live in a mobile and work my ass off at a bar.
Had to leave college for the kids and wife and never got back.
Can't say I wish things were different but damm what a life changer.
Good times and luck monkeysugar!
Sounds like a terrible life.... too bad you did not to just stop having sex. I'm sure from what you said your wife is just as or even more miserable..