Originally posted by Albert
If there was software that did this it would surely be based on some kind of heuristic and would only be an educated guess at best.
That's right. As I said, I've tried several
such programs (sorry, don't have pointers
here at work, might be able to dig up a
name or two when I go home). I believe
they operate by taking color samples at
various positions relative to the size of the
image, and calculate some measure of
closeness (perhaps weighting toward the
center?) Usually there's some way to tune
the sensitivity.
They actually work pretty well. Occasionally
you'll get a false positive if there are two
shots of the same chick in the same pose --
er, that is, of the same beautiful natural
The only trouble is that the ones I've tried
start to choke when the file count hits a few
thousand. I'm hoping there's one that doesn't.