Originally posted by Kostya
My question is: If you take out the things (whatever they may be called) do your ears return to their normal state?
It's all dependent really, but i'll let someone with more knowledge explain it for me.
From Bmezine.com...
"If you stretch your lobes, even just a little, there is no guarantee that they will go back "to normal" if you remove the jewelry. Everyone's skin is different. While young healthy skin tends to be very elastic, this elasticity does go away over time, so the longer you have the jewelry in, the longer you have the jewelry, the less likely your ear is to stretch back. In addition, the older you are the less it will stretch back.
There are no hard rules, but most people can stretched to about 0ga and have it fully close again, given time. Stretching to 1/2 to 1" in diamater may mostly close, but the resultant lobe will be much larger and will quite likely have (at best) a "cat butt" in the middle. Stretching past an inch should not be expected to close full, although it will shrink dramatically (to about 1/2 its size usually).
Fully closing a stretched ear is a surgical procedure."