I am not suggesting everyone who goes to the gym is like this? but i ran into a few guys this week, who don't really do anything else with their huge frames, other than just work out some more. And it forms this endless cycle? People also can do it (this excessiveness) without going to the gym as well, 'cause i work out at home, so it's not just people who go to the gym, just the ones who don't really seem to do anything with their strength (in terms of some kind of job or maybe sport/recreational thing), other than more working out, bemuse me a little? Just overall seems a waste of strength to me?
Like you say its a hobby and all, and i guess it is for me as well, cause i actually hvae fun working out (who'da thunk it?), i am overall saying it just seems like a waste and a shame that they don't really do anything productive with their strength? That was my general observation. And it's mainly aimed at the excessiveness of some people, as their could be excessiveness with anything which could seem like a waste.
I juts think it's amazing what some people will excessivley do, JUST for looks really? I mean, this can kinda stem onto unnecessary plastic surgery as well...
I remember seeing on 60 mintues, a simialr thing i was talking about, where this guy was fretting for his diet etc and worked out everyday, which was good, but he would go as far as to get calf implants, which make his calf muscles look bigger, with no real added strength or anything. I was amazed at it all? It's these sorta people, and their fretting about of looks, i am mainly aiming at in this post.
Overall i encourage working out as well, but sometimes people seem to overstep the line, in what is appopriate and maybe healthy (maybe both physically and mentally) for them?