1. Kero Kero King DX - A golf game where you hit frogs with mallets instead of golf balls and clubs
2. Phantasy Star Online - Online multiplaying Hack and Slash goodness
3. Naruto Ninja Taisen 2 - Based on the currently running anime, It features cell shading, and 4 player fighting
4. Animal Crossing - Genre crossing, highly addictive simulation game. I cant wait for the sequel to come out.
5. Mario Kart - Racing around and getting wacked with stuff has never been soo much fun, and i play it online too.
6. Legend of Zelda:Windwaker - Never played a Zelda game much before this one, and I really liked it. A good introduction for new plkayhers, and all around good game.
7. Cubivore - Evolutionary simulation game where you attempt to be king of the jungle!
8. Mario sunshine - Mario platformer that is a little intimidating at times, but is overall a great game.
9. Donkey Konga - Makes me glad that I import games. It's like Mambo a GoGo for my favorite console. Think DDR, with bongos
10. Viewtiful Joe - Great side scrolling beat-em up from Capcom. Im very happy the US branch brought this over.
Links/ reviews to come later
Last edited by Ganguro; 12-16-2003 at 12:53 PM..