Sometimes i am a little bemused to why people strive and pine to get all muscular, when they have no real or apparent need for it?
Sure, it's good to get into shape, figuratively speaking, but why get sooooo excessive on it? When these people don't put their muscles to use, to do anything but either walk around all macho in public, or get stronger, such that they can just get through their next set?
Work out, just so you can get through your next work out? eh? wtf?
Sure, lots of people work out for their job, or other occupation as they might need the extra physicality, but over the last week or so, i've run into 3 guys, seemingly working out and fretting about themselves all for nothing, just to get big muscles... *sigh*
Just seems like a big waste, it'd be good if they did something witht them, other than just getting through their next work out? and looking all pretty.
Quite a mindless cycle....?
For an anology, it's like saving up lots of money, but never spending it on anything? Sure, it's probably good to say "oh wow, i've got all this money, LOOK AT ME" but they never do anything productive with it? I'd think though, that trying to get so bulky etc, would end up being a burden in the end, if you hvae nothing prodcutive to do with yourself? Like no sports or any other real physical activity. All these gym rats (that doens't mean everyone who goes to the gym) make my mind boggle a bit? seems such a pointless excercise?
Just today at basketball, i had one of these guys (who was watching the game from the other team) approach me after our game and he was talking about his gym workout and what i may do (

i don't go to the gym, eveyone seems bemused at that?), but i quickly found out, he doesn't really do anything (other than wokrout, office job, no other sports?), other than workout and excessively. For no real purpose...He's the main reason i did this little rant, if you can call it that?
This isn't an attack on any one who does some common trianing, nor trains excessively with something else in mind. Moreso, some of the guys who go overboard with it and get way too excessive, given they don't really have any purpose for being so big?
Also, people who want to start working out, always want to know how long it takes to get "big" or whatever. It's not that good in the end, cause you have to eat so much fucking food, lol
I know, it's their decision and all, but sometimes i can't fathom why they do or want to do that? I know it basically goes to the idea of looking good, but when you get to that sorta of neanderthal/caveman stage, i really don't understand why they still fret so much?
maybe they should all metaphorically "learn to swim"

(taken from tool's anema song

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