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Old 12-14-2003, 12:52 PM   #31 (permalink)
Location: right behind you...
i did this thread twice, but i love it anyway!

Atari 2600

Super Nintendo
Gameboy Advance

Sega Genises
Sega Saturn
(am i the only one who fucking loved the Saturn?)
Sega Dreamcast

(i've had four)
PS2 (Playing on #2)

My PC.... 1.4g amd duran, 768 ram, 191gig hd (full), radeon 7000 pro

a friend told me 'whoa you got sooooooo much!'. i do, in a way, but i'm a collector and it has taken me years.

for a wishlist..... i want SMS one day but not til i get some others.
NEO GEO . . . some day
Game Gear
NG Pocket

i honestly can see myself playing all of em except atari in five years. easy.
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