I definatley agree that the girl should have been allowed to express her opinion. I further agree that whenever anyone is expressing an opinion on a controversial issue it is important to be accurate, polite, and proper. There is no need to offend anyone when presenting an opinion. Opinions shouldn't offend anyone as long as they are presented respectfully and they are accurate. What I mean is that the opinion is based off of much reflection and research.
For example. A bad way to state an opinion on the death penalty would be to say something like "Any who supports the death penalty is evil and a pig headed idiot."
Obviously that is insulting to the people on the other side.
The proper way
"I don't support the death penalty because I feel it is barbaic and uneccessary." Then proceed to list some reasons why the death penalty is cruel and unusual.
I have no problem arguing with people as long as they don't resort to name calling and personal attacks.