Look at their description of gun kata: (paraphrased)
The cleric learns to analyze the positions of all the other gunmen, and come up with the place to stand that has the lowest statistical chance of having bullets moving through it. In addition, he's also anticipating those shots and the movements of his opponents so he's moving and shooting before they do. Even in the dark.
First of all you'd have to be some kind of freak'n genious to do all those calculations, since the variables are constantly changing. I have a problem with that "lowest statistical chance" bit too. Less chance of getting hit doesn't mean NO chance!
The fight scenes are filled with unecessary gun waving too. Looks good, but there's really no reason to shoot targets on the left with the left gun and targets on the right with the right gun, and then cross the arms and shoot the same targets with the opposite gun. And then switch again? Pretty inefficient isn't it?
Notice how many times he shoots on full-auto with the barrel inches from an ear? The guy's got to be permanently deaf.
Have to admit I like the movie though.