Originally posted by billege
I'd also like to note that it's certainly possible I'm showing some of my insecurities. Perhaps I am seeing something that's not really happening in the LL. I am open to that.
If we <i>really</i> wanted to we could discuss the idea that the very idea of the LL is sexist.
I think we're also admitting that with as many members as we have, who are predominantly male, there will be plenty of problems.
In a male dominated place like the net, it's a sound idea.
SWEET MOTHER OF GOD.... do you read what you wrote before you hit submit?
You can't expect to be taken seriously when you say things like, "In a male dominated place like the net, it's a sound idea." Also, your sexism is very clear to be read. Don't mince words. It's in your form, your style, and your overall written attitude.
If you post in this way simply to be inflammatory, I think you miss the point of this online community. Also, the mods are EVERYWHERE. They are constantly on alert, and the fellow members of this board see to it that inappropriate behavior is taken care of in due course. There is no reason I can see (or have ever seen) to doubt or question their effectiveness in this respect.
And I'm sure the reason the word concede was in phredgreen's address was because we ARE making a bit of a concession in this board. We are not a board about segregating ANY part of our community, but in this case it seems too necessary, given the nature of our environment. Guys can, and will, say whatever they feel in whatever forum they want to. Some women feel much more comfortable discussing personal things, or sometimes anything in general, with other ladies, without male interruption. Sometimes you have to make a choice, and letting the ladies have their own safety zone was definitely a good one. If phredgreen meant anything in using the word concede, I believe this was it.