Originally posted by seretogis
My point is that there are examples everywhere of the public education system failing horribly, to the point of infringing on the civil rights of those with opinions that are not politically correct. The ACLU relation is just an attention-getter.
I also wanted to show off my new avatar. Good ol' Natasha.
I agree with your point, but I agree that your title was misleading and tends to lead the discussion astray.
Free speech is free speech. If Cincinnati wants to put a Nativity scene in their town square, they must accept the Klan's cross. If this school wants to express opinions about homosexuals, then they should accept the full diversity of opinions about homosexuals and give this girl her opportunity.
I could see something like this being a really good learning experience for students, rather than some shallow "we love gays!" feel good festival. Students would learn a hell of a lot more if gays, people who sympathize with gays, and people who don't like gays could all get together and talk to each other using teachers as mediators.