raeanna: i think some trans-gender individuals are born in that way and according to them later on, their doctors (or parents) chose the wrong gender... for the most part I think trans-gender folks fit the "woman trapped in a man's body" description or vice-versa. I met Dana Rivers in my senior year of high school, she had come to my school to give a speech about her experience as a trans-gender woman. Really interesting stuff, I'm glad I attended.
torn lace: it's nice to have the insights of someone with training answering such questions, i'd just like to append one thing onto your description of gender. I see gender as male and female (with noted physical exceptions born with malformed sex organs), maybe it's just the way i was taught as a child. Gender Identity, however, is how I percieve the different ways people identify themselves, not only as a "man" or "woman" or variations on those, but also sexual orientation (gay man or lesbian trans-gender woman, etc), so I'd prefer to say "there are six billion gender identities, one for each living person." rather than just "gender"
that's just how i see it, anyways.
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