Musical Instraments
Tell us what kind of musical instraments have you learned? What do enjoy playing the most? Have you tried any unusual ones?
For those of you who haven't played an instrament - what is you favorite to listen to?
I have played the piano since I was 12. My grandmother taught me and I always think of her when I play. I took lessons for flute, and violin but quit both because I loved piano most and the time I spent practicing the other instraments meant that I didn't get to spend any time on my piano. I did get to try a number of other instraments, french horn, guitar, clarinet, accordian, and the saw. The saw was the most interesting and actually very easy. I was terrible at the horn and clarinet. I have always enjoyed music and mostly enjoy listening to string instraments of almost any sort. I'm not a picky music listener though.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.