First, the US isn't the only country looking out for themselves. Did you truly believe France, Germany and Russia were against the war because they were thinking of the poor Iraqi people? Hell no! They were simply thinking of the lucrative oil contracts they were about to lose.
Second, if these countries want to help the Iraqi people, they can spend their OWN money to pay for their OWN companies to help. They should not demand the US to give them money, as if they're somehow entitled to it. They're not.
Third, the Iraqis are indeed better off now than they were in the past, because the former regime is gone. It is my firm conviction that the present state of affairs is temporary - Iraq will rise from the ashes, and the people will have a better future than they would ever have had with Saddam still in power. I'd invite everyone to look beyond the bad news you see on TV every day - that is not the full story, just like the murders in the US media aren't the full story either.
And finally, just because you *think* the US government is evil, and is only interested in money, does not mean that is actually the case. I know it's hard to understand, but you might just be WRONG. Picking news that encourages your world-view is hardly a good way to stay informed. Nothing is ever totally black or totally white - it's always a murky gray at best.