all the US seems to be interested in is itself not an unusual thing i come to expect it from a country who seems to think that it is the policeman of the world. good point that governments are supposed to be "goons" (could we not find a better word) because if they weren't they aren't doing thier jobs."
" becYah doode we rode our surfboards right in there, an' fuckin' speared Saddam in tha nutz, an' Frenchie biatches were all like 'HUUGHHUUGHHUUGH we laugh like the frog,' so we killt them dead too.
Locobot how do you figure that this statement makes any sense at all? nothing has been accomplished in Iraq, granted Saddam is gone but are the Iraqi people free?no. has thier quality of life increased?no. I know that CNN seems to make things out like thier has been some kind of grand change, but please these contracts should be open to the people who can best do the job, and Iraq should not be sold out because people didn't support the war. What would happen if all these countries "blackballed" pulled money out of Iraq that they have contributed? I thought that this was part of "the war against terror"? If thats the case then some of these countries have contributed (quite a few with the lives of thier soldiers)
Trust me Mojo i wasn't living under a rock for the past two years i knew and most of the world knew that Sept. 11 was just an excuse to invade Iraq. After Afghanistan is that word Afghanistan still in the American vocabulary or did they forget it already? seriously though i believe that it is all perspective.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder