Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
-France and Germany were a bunch a goons... why?
Lucrative oil contracts
ILLEGAL military contracts
France didn't want to loose its business with Saddam. So while we here in the States were just being wild west cowboys and saber rattling, what were the french doing to help the situation? They promised to veto any resolution that authorized the use of force, which would take Saddam out of power. They seemed to conviently overlook the fact at all the resolution Saddam had willing disobeyed, all 16 of them. Does negative reinforcement mean anything? They just wanted to perpetuate the status quo til they could cash in. While they were being a bunch of punk bitch cowards with no stones, we got fed up with all the bullshit and did what should've happened back in 1991, we took out the trash.
Yah doode we rode our surfboards right in there, an' fuckin' speared Saddam in tha nutz, an' Frenchie biatches were all like 'HUUGHHUUGHHUUGH we laugh like the frog,' so we killt them dead too.
The Iraq fiasco is a hostile outgrowth of the U.S. business community. We have absorbed all Iraqi assets, let's face it--it was always part of the deal. Iraq's resources have long been a glowing ripe fruit ready for the plucking by Bush admin. officials, dollar signs glazed over their eyes. Those dollar signs now glaze the eyes of many Americans throughout the country.
Why are we unwilling to accept Iraqi-contract bids from other non-coalition nations despite our pledge to install democracy and a free market economy? It's because many of these contracts will go without any bidding process, even within America, to those companies with men on the inside. That's right, ding ding ding, Halliburton, Bechtel, and Big$Oil.
That said I actually AGREE that this practice is kosher, for now. The region just isn't stable enough to allow this kind of input from nations far and wide, yet. A debt is owed to the American people, right or wrong, who funded the junta with money and lives [defecit spending causes inflation, I shit you not, your money is worth less, Merry Christmas]. Unfortunately it seems this debt will be repaid with black crude from the ground and dirty-tough jobs in terrorism prone areas. Like it or not, this is the hole we've dug. This debt will continue to be paid the entire length of the occupation, probably about ten years.
When the contracts will be open to international bidding depends on way too many factors to name here. Some of them include: extent of exploitation of the Iraqi people (it's inevitable), perceived benefit for the average American (not just gas prices staying the same for 5 more years), and the ability of Bush admin. officials and their respective companies to release their grasp on the contracts (not much hope here, did you know Condoleeza Rice has an oil tanker named after her?).