hmm sorry but to a point all goverments (even Can, US, Uk, etc) are goons to a degree in the view of others. If they werent they arent doing their job.
the job of the goverment is to do the best for themselves.
the problem here is that the US is really hurting itself in the mid future for gains in the immediate present.
yes it looks bad on paper if you seem like you are basically giving money to other nations people who opposed you.
but its even worse when later on the you lose it all because you didnt take the effort to seek out and gain the help of others.
a good current example is the Dean campaing in the US, Dean got alot of attention for getting endorsements of two big unions and just recently Al gore.
in all 3 case they stated that dean was the only one who actively seeked out their help and did what they wanted to prove that he could indeed represent their interest.
world politics aint highschool, no one is gonna come to your birthday party and give you gifts just because your the pretty and popular one. in the real world you need friendship and that is only grown of actions showing you care.