Your view of the situation seems rather offbase, where were you throughout the whole fiasco? I'm sure that it comes down to perspective, but lets look at it objectively.
-France and Germany were a bunch a goons... why?
Lucrative oil contracts
ILLEGAL military contracts
France didn't want to loose its business with Saddam. So while we here in the States were just being wild west cowboys and saber rattling, what were the french doing to help the situation? They promised to veto any resolution that authorized the use of force, which would take Saddam out of power. They seemed to conviently overlook the fact at all the resolution Saddam had willing disobeyed, all 16 of them. Does negative reinforcement mean anything? They just wanted to perpetuate the status quo til they could cash in. While they were being a bunch of punk bitch cowards with no stones, we got fed up with all the bullshit and did what should've happened back in 1991, we took out the trash.
And please don't give me "Russia has enough trouble..." the US has actively contributed peacekeepers and money to just about every major peacekeeping reconstruction effort of the 20th century. People get down on America for being in Iraq, well what the fuck is Russia still doing in Chechnya?
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.